Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Nice Kate of the beatuiful eyes

Ong claims that the print culture is comfortable with finality. He says, “Once a letterpress forme is closed, locked up, or a photolithographic plate is made, and the sheet printed, the text does not accommodate changes (erasures, insertions) so readily as do written texts…Print is curiously intolerant of physical incompleteness (Ong, 130).” 

I reallly love what Kate had to say about Sterne.  I want to take it a step further though.  I believe the image of the marble page is text in itself.  Any image...a picture or anything else could constitute as a text.  With that said I guess I don't understand how the print culture could bring about the idea of finality.  Because of the print culture image texts are able to be printed in books like Sterne.  I don't see how that could bring about finality because the text is open to interpratation.  The marble page could mean what Kate had Fanny describe in her blog but it could mean something else to another person.  Doesn't that mean that print could mean finality or in a way mis-en-ebyme....going on into eternity into the abyss?  That marble page now has the possibilty to be interperated differently forever because of the print culture.  I guess my point is that the print culture also allows a sense of no finality.

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