Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Test Stuff

Here is some notes:

Know frame story and mis-en-abym -into the abyss
1. Nietzsch says, "We are all walking dictionaries."
2. Lull: All about the motion, no images, non-corporeal. (ladder & tree)
3. Know literate (shown below) and oral (shown above) symbols. Know frame story and mis-en-abym -into the abyss.
5. Mandala (F.W.)
6. Democratic/Alphabet
7. Ong - song is existence - Gresang 1st Dazeme
8. Ong, finality and closure for print culture
9. Yates pg 224 - memory of the divine man - Bruno
10. Alethia - truth is unforgetting (Lull)
11. 7 planets/7 pillars of Solomon's house of wisdom (Camilo)
12. Iliad "Such was the funeral rites of Hector, Tamer of Horses."
13. Alphabet was invented only once.
14. Chances are 1 in 3
15. Tai and Robert used their bodies as memory theaters.
16. Before books there was speech, before speech there was mute gesture (F.W)
17. Yates pg 188 relationship between Lull & Kabala
18. portmanteau words (suitcase) metaphor (F.W.)- hypertext (layered language) in this way F.W. is like cyberspace
19. ancient Hebrew contained no vowels
20. Yates pg 203 Bruno rushes out of convent
21. Tristam Shandy portrays silence with blank space
22. Easter wings (poem from Ong) hour glass shapeprint writer uses visual text
23. most famously unread book in the world is F.W
24. Kane: myths are repository of practical knowledge

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