Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Is Literacy just the evolution of orality?

I remember my mother reading me Children's Stories like Hanzel and Gretel and singing me bedtime songs such asTwinkle Twinkle little star when I was young. Does the fact that my mother learned these through literacy deminish the effect and hinder the orality of it? I guess I will have to agree with the Symposiam on this one. I believe that literacy became essential for orality to survive. I know for a fact that one of the greatest tools that helped me learn language and become able to reproduce stories orally was literacy. I learned how to talk by listening to my parents reading to me and eveuntally, I practiced my orality on them by reading back.
In time, things will change. I can't help but think of how Allegory evolved into the novel. Did it kill Allegory, no, it was a new way of using Allegory and I believe that it is the same for orality and literacy. How else are we allowed to be part of another culture. Can I imagine my life without reading Beaowolf or Shakespeare? No! Now that I have read them, I can orally recite my own uniqe version to someone else. See how it works?! Orality has evolved an arm called literacy, it is not a cancer like Socrotece suggested.

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