Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Test Goodies and what to know

1). Kane
a. Moonbone- illustrated repitition
b. Property
c. Agriculture
d. Practical
e. white berries
f. carribu and frogs
g. Definition of Myth- song the earth sings to itself

2). Ong
a. primary Orality -oral culture is exactly that ORAL
*no contact with literacty
b. secondary orality- live in a world covered by literacy
*technology, electronic images, texting
c. Chirographic- means a writing culture
d. Typographic- means a print culture
e. read Ong's page 72 about vision vs. sound
*Oh ya, pay attention damn it!
f. Plato's denounce of writing (p.79)
*know his arguement
3). Yates
a. Story of Simonedes
*Twins (Castor and Pollux) destroy wedding and kill guests except of Simonedes
*Simonedes could indentify the bodies based on their loci (location) at the wedding     reception.
b. Rhetoric to Ethics to Cosmos
*Middle ages, Memory, Heaven and Hell
*Cosmos (p. 38-39)
-memory not incedental
c. St. Augustine (p. 47).
*remember converted to christianity when he found a book among other things
4) our questions
a.  Grammer Geometry Rhetoric Arithmotic Music Astronomy Dilectic (liberal arts)
b. neoplatonism- mysticism
c. Feb. 20 Jon Nay's Bday
d.Anamnesis- recollection
*why we grow our wings, we have the itch
e. 1600 "Brunner?" burned at stake for talking about the cosmos of memory
*we can become GODLIKE
f. Parataxis
*stringing words together with conjunctions...childhood talk
g. psychodynamics of orality
h. Bicameralsim
I. Esotaric- secret, intimate, private, not for unwashed masses
J. Imagination is 1 hour photo of memory
*memory developed instantly through imagination
k. Shahar Azad (1001 nights)
*physical embodiment of story telling
*survived because of her ability to tell  her stories to her master at night
l. Artificial vs. Natural memory
*Artificial memory- what we do to improve our memory
*Natural memory- what we are born with
m. Collective vs. Personal Unconcious
n. What does writing establish outside of the mind "plato" "Phaderus
o. March 17th 
*St. Patties day
*Green Blood
* Professor Sexon giving his leprechaun blood
p. trinity of memory
*imagination, memory, soul
q. epathets
*brave soldier
*sturdy oak
*beautiful princess
*King Kenning Ben
*Beautiful eyes Kate Bedouin

5). Other important things
a. muses and Ong stuff in memory theater
* Thermometer- Erato and (Oral tradition is additive rather than subornitive
* Blackboard- Clio and (Aggregitive rather than analytical)
* Screen - Urania and (Redundant rather than copious)
*Quiet desk- John Mcain and Thalia and (Conservitive and traditional)
*Projector- Polyhymnia and (Close to human life world)
*Brown Desk- Terpschycre and (Agganistically toned)
* Bulletin Board - Calliope and (impothetic and anticipitory)
* Snowman- Euturpe and (Homeostatic)
* the funky F and Mel Gibson and Pomogranit- Mnemosiney and (situational rather    than abstract)
b. Marshell Mcklueen
*Technology is an extension of ones body
c. Epistiolary culture
*culture of letters
d. Beginning scene of All the Presidents Men
*Typewriter imagery
e. Luddism
f. Plato's attack on writing
* only authentic relationship is speaking
*when you write it you don't have to remember it
* Writing changes conciousness
g. Yates
*we remember horrible things
-Kennedy assasination (Professor Sexon announced it)
h. The cooler story, cooler by window, what was in it, nothing
i. symulochrom-  representation
*Ben's cabin
j. Shannon's earliest memory
*Stranded in backyard and saved by dad
*actually memory of video
k. Sutter and his renegade blogger
* Sam bloged on Plato
l. We make poetry of our world...
*jump rope rhymes
m. Testify is remembered by the testi
n. Flyting
*verbal assults
* Free style rap is an example
O. The tempest will be on there
P. Shakespear's sonnet 13 is his memory sonnet THIS WILL BE ON THERE
Q. Stanely fish talked about Ecantatory (things subordinate)
R. Blooms day is June 16th 1902
S. Oral world is concrete not abstract according to Ong
T. We have amnesia in oral tradition
* memories with no meaning will fade
U.  When interviewing a new principle chose him on how well he dances
*difference between literacy and orality
R. Remember me's
*Hamlet (act 1 scene 5)
* Jesus and last supper

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